MTV Rodies 5.0 is not Real Rodies

I was always feeling proud to say that i am one of the rodies, who would fall in love with the roads and the destinations it can take to. Well i always feel that roads are the back bones of economy. If one has to improve a location or an area. first thing that has to be done is better approach roads. Once it is there all will come faster. Its just a catalyst to the growth. Well I happen to watch the show MTV Rodies 5.0. The name catch my attention. Well guys i was thinking that it was something about people r guys travelling. But it turned out to be complete bitching. well I had to watch the show for some time to understand what is happening. Well the show goes like this. People have to do some task and kick other person out. Its not about travel. Its about how u stab the other person. Its called strategy game.

I was totally em brassed with this TV program. well there are lot of things the rodies means. It means building faith, trust, surviving difficult tasks. These are the general qualities of the Rodies. but the program gives a wrong impression of the complete show. :-( .. there U find ladies bitching.. and guys playing ugly things in the name of strategy.. :-)) ..well its total crap.


Puthali said…
oh yea, totally agree! btw if this is da first time u r watching it, u may want to know, it wasnt always like this! The previous season was so much better, ppl thr were actually like real roadies! not like this sicko 'fit-for-nothing' bunch of ppl... 'n i blame it on da dumb auditions being conducted by raghu 'n nikhil...i mean with all their swearing,slapping,sarcasm,cynicism etc they pick this kinda bunch! kinda serves them right! :)
Jawahar said…
@ Puthali
Yep it was first time i was watching it whole one week. I really can't believe those people ride like amateurs. If some one has to go so long they don't even wear a riding gear. That would have helped then when ever they had falls. secondly Bike rides on Night is extremely risks. that too wit pillion riders is too much.. I feel they have completely ignored safety.

Finally the spirit of rodies is to ride, trust fellow rider, and enjoy the people and the roads. Its just a luxury ride with no learning.
Prasoon Rana said…
Agree with u buddy.... Completely... neways... Am in Gurgaon now... so when u coming next to Himalayas ??
Jawahar said…
@Prasoon Rana

U moved to Gurgaon ? when man..

Well still himalayan trip is in mind, but i don't want to do the same route again. I want to try this time is kolkota --> jalpaigudi --> gangtok --> enter Nepal --> out at UP --> varnasi --> delhi.

well its the plan tentative, other option is instead of nepal enter Noth east :-) assam meghalay. ( well ppl say bikes are not safe mode to travel there..) so just thinking well does it worth the risk ?

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