Android phones

Its been some time since i am thinking of an android phone, I am amazed by its look and features. Right now what keeps me with my blackberry is the build quality of the QWERTY keys and the touch sensitive optical Trackpad.  I love both of these and am worried to miss these in the Android touch screens phones.

While going through the graph of Market share of smart phones OS, one could clearly see the increase in android market share, on where as others have lost their grounds except iOS.  ;) ..

What makes Android so popular--

a. Open Source -- Its not linked to a cell phone company mobile models. One can get variety of android phones according to the budget.

b. Feature set -- maximum features and that too on time. It does not look like one is using age old applications. The User interface looks good.

c. Android Does Google and Social Integration

d. Support of any size and resolutions.

My next phone would be based on Android OS. :)


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