Happy New year
Well its not the review of the movie by Farah Khan, It's a self review of myself.
Last year 2014 has been very stagnant, Nothing much to add about both personal and professionally. Well 2015 is not going to be the same, It's going to be a maker of breaker for me, and my energy are going to be put towards to make the year 2015 a success both personally and professionally.
a. I am not going to spend any money which is unworth of spending at that time.
b. I am going to create a plan at the start of the year, what is to be done for this year, and strict to it, both on budget and location. (Trips.. etc.. )
c. I am going to control my urge of eating out. Home food is going to be tastier this year.
d. I am going to improve my Running timings, in both 10 K and Bangalore Ultra 12.5 k . ( I would like to run 25K ).
e. I am going to talk more of my mind openly.
f. I am going to Train the kids for free on Raspberry PI & Python on Home Automation projects.
These are the resolutions for this year, and I want to review it every month once. ... Its the way to go for the Personal Management.