Anger - major cause of worry

Anger - Well Wikipedia describes as

Anger may be a (physiological and psychological) response to a perceived threat to self or important others, present, past, or future.


the intention to cause harm to the person.

Well today I got angry, not just angry but very angry.The reason was a simple one, someone questioned me my motives behind using few signs in words and there interpretation was different. Because of wrong interpration of words she had become angry. This in turn boiled my also. Well both have shown anger on each other. Thats it. Does everything ends here. Definetly not. Its definetly means that tomorrow is not going to be like today.

Its generally like a chain reaction and one triggers the others. When one's angry all small small issues which are in the brain, comes out. This creates an avalanche. It's not Anger which is the most dangerous, its the aftermath of Anger. It creates various complexities in the relation. It generally adds new dimention to the relation. It definetly triggers ego, and definely no one want to loose.

A little inner thought about Anger.

Does showing anger on any one solves the problem ?
NO, It is just can be showing protest in a situation, one cannot show how to respond, or think that it is really out of control.

Does it makes happy?
No definetly not. It makes the whole day bad. It grows heavy and it reflects in others work as well. ( after that I could not concentrate much on my work. than i had been in lighter mood ).

What does Anger add to you?
Well people think that after showing anger, one shows the superiority over other. Or its a protest in a no win situation. It just helps to hate some one ( Really if u want to hate someone get angry on him/ her )

What can be done to avoid myself in such situation ?
This is the most important question which is going to say how cool a person is.

Before replaying take a deep breadth. (Take more Time to respond)
Check whether the person who is angry on you is because of miscommunication /mis interpretation of fact.
Is it not worth fighting on an issue. which can be definetly solved in the peace.
Some times Anger is must.. ( To show that we are daemons,not humans with six senses ).

What step i had done to solve the effect of this Anger ?
Said sorry for what i felt was wrong for my part. Then mentioned that the reaction had made me angry. ( May me this could be avoided.. May be people are not so open to things which are pointed towards them as shortcommings.. ) ..

Well Lets C what happens.. :-)

Please add comments how U have overcome situations like this.


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