Death date
I was going through the links :P well one said its going to pridict the death date :)
Well they have simple algorithm ;) if one says u drink, smoke and use drugs they reduce the days :)
Here is predictions for me :)
Well they have simple algorithm ;) if one says u drink, smoke and use drugs they reduce the days :)
Here is predictions for me :)
Jawahar M
- Current mode: neutral
- Optymistic mode
- Neutral mode
- Pessimistic mode
The Mechanism computes date in three modes: neutral, optimistic and pessimistic. Current mode is: neutral - by its predictions you will live exactly 53 years, 11 months and 0 days
- Predicted Death Date: 13 october 2033
- Time left: 24 years, 4 months and 18 days
- Seconds:
The are three symbols, called The Symbols of Death,
related to your birth date and the predicted death date. They can have
a direct connection with the cause of death. Your symbols are:
freeze • alcohol • fire
Link -->
How amazing :)