Raspberry pi GPIO experiment, and ideas are flowing

Yesterday did my first experiment with my Raspberry pi,  was simple was to interface with the LED and make it glow.

It took about an hour, as I had completely forgotten how to meddle with resistors, bread board etc. It took some time and thanks to Youtube which helped me remembering few things and help he carry forward with the task.

At last Felt happy about it.

What i need to do in my house, I need to use my pi to make it work as scheduler, which would help me maintain my fish.

ie.Few Ideas with my PI,

a. The light of the fish tank has to be kept on for 6 -8 hours, I want to make it using the pi,

b. The food has to be fed morning once and evening once, and if the set the weight it should be able to put that much of food to it.  -  this one looks ambitious but nothing is impossible.

c. to make a Robo Pi for my daughter to play, -- long way to go.

           initial to just clap for her, play or make few sound, and then play rhymes as her request. -- just idea is in draft. want to do by mid of 2015.





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