Flowers show weekend

This weekend was really good, It was not the laid back weekend, but one of those weekend where my daughter and wife were very happy.

Early morning on Saturday, started with Walk on Lalbagh and the Flowershow. Went equipped with camera, and showed all the flowers available there to my daughter. She had been seeing and remembering them by name from books and pictures. This is the first time she is seeing them in real. To some extent this is first time I am also remembering their names and correlating then with images seen on the Books.  Some were surprise to me.  Few which i imagines as small ones were really big, .. (ex Dhalia .. )  and other way as well. It was a good learning time for me and my Daughter. Handed over the camera to my wife who was enjoying photography on those ..

Later went to a mall(Swagat Garuda) ,  and in the play area for kids my daughter tried Play Pen, ( a closed place filled with colorful balls). She enjoyed her most time there.  Really was happy to see her happy.

The Sunday was time for us to watch the movie, leaving my daughter at my in Laws place. Watched the movie "Into the Strom", Very good one, I enjoyed it. If someone asks me to watch second time, I would not like it, but for one time watching its good.


Flower show pics


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