Argumentative Indians

            I was going through mixed bag of emotions yesterday, Most of it was on Arguments. I was amazed on ways we argue, we argue for no reasons, just to tell that whatever we do is right, Even though we know its wrong, we give explanations to anything we do, or think like supporting. More over our mind is such a great thing that it finds reasons to support anything in this world. It all depends on who has done it. If we like him/her we have hundred reasons to support, if we don't like we have thousands reasons to say he is wrong.
            I feel we have lost the moral, If you ask any adult in India they would remember that there was a subject called "Moral science" in their schools which you have to write to get Marks and pass. I see this as the problem for lot of issues. We don't think about the moral values, be it anything, We think we can get away with things, be it anything. As we can always tell reasons why we think it is right.
           We people love tracking things, Be it anything. We always want to be Informed.  Let me go bit insight over it, Yesterday in office, One of the manager wants to track everything we do, because he has no belief in us, and argues that he has to know everything that happens in the office. Do keep me in loop, as thought he keeps track of every mails that goes to him. Most of the times he comes and gets the update, and when told as you would have seen the mail, The replay comes " Oh, Ok, what was the replay" .. Crazy, Well one should know that too much of information makes person loose track. These Information hungry people always want to know everything around and demand for information are generally not the people who give information to others. Most of the times it happens that the important information  generally sleep in the  In-boxes of  the Information hungry people. Its just that they loose focus when there is too much information. Its not that this happen only in the professional life, in personal life as well, we want to know everything about what happens in our loved ones. 
 Second thing which was keeping me thinking was the mentality of the people, who do things rightly only when monitored. Just from Traffic police, to School teacher.. we Indians do require a monitoring system to do our work properly. If there is no traffic police men on the signal, we assume we should not follow the traffic rules on the junction. If there is no measures for the project we can do anything. Strange but true, and we are having the power of argument by which we can tell anything we do is right. Its just that we don't really understand the reasons why we have to do things rightly. But there is a strange thing, we expect others to be fair, to do right things. Or curse them for doing something which we feel its not fair. ( strangly if you like him, Argue that whatever he/she does is right ). I feel we need to be sensible, and have self respect for doing things. 


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