Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful,

  A friend asked me a topic to tell. Not knowing anything the first thing came to my mind is Life is beautiful. Well after some time i came to know that this topic was asked so that they can put the writing skills to test. I too thought well giving topic is so simple let me check how i fair in writing. So its a self test on this topic.

Life is beautiful ...

  There are two things in topic, one is life and other is beauty.  well both together are the very big abstract topics which are talked and talked and never concluded. So how this topic is going to be together. well let me try to pen my thoughts :-) ..

Life according to me is a boon that every one has got. It is full of surprises, its colorful. The life ahs so many moments attached to it, which flashes in ur brain in no time. I know few could see the entire life before reading this paragraph. Well so much of memories, but how it happens in a flash. Whats that makes life so interesting ? well its the choices both make. I remember a line from the TV channel --> life is enthusiasm, Life is Joy, life is love. Yes, I completely agree to it. Life without enthusiasm, Joy, hope, love, enthusiasm, happiness is unimaginable. When I say its unimaginable, still I know one could feel how bad.

So you want to know how u can make ur life not beautiful? Thank god ruining something is not so difficult. I am an expert in it. All you need is ur mouth working when you get angry, depressed, when ur mind starts imagination things, illusions which haunt, Jealousy which comes, feeling possessive, dejected. Yes these are the things which will ruin urs and other beautiful as well.

Lack of belief in self and others really a reason for not making a beautiful life. I was telling a beautiful person, that you are the beautiful person. In turn the person says, I know who I am, I know ur just praising me. In walk of life people forget to see the good part of self, and think its just the same. Basically they don't want to believe in self or they are suspicious that other is thinking of taking an advantage on them by telling the truth. Well if you () happen to read this. please do know that I really felt bad abt this, not for the fact that you are not believing me, but for the fact that beauty of ur life is not realized by you.

Ok... come to the Last part so life and beauty how this combination makes the most amazing thing in the world. All one needs to remember that people are full of emotions, Outburst of emotions make this life beautiful or Dull.  The positive emotions make the life beautiful, negative makes it miserable. Everyone has the choice, to choose the positive Emotions, or the negative emotions.

Last but not least, to convert the negative emotions to positive there is a secret tool called forgiveness. This is not simple of all. One who practices it is called great person. I know its not all people cup of tea. But definitely an attempt will definitely make others life also beautiful.


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