29th Dec 2006 KAJJHIAR --> CHamba ( Obudi ) Last day of trek

Morning TEA -->
Early morning Tea came at 5.30 am in our room noone got up other than Saravanan, Gurumeet and myself. It is really a very great experience having tea once u r out of bed in the cold climate.. Really great.. Tea is over than what else .. ;-) But interesting Saravanan was missing.. so myself and Guru were discussing in the dark cold climate where is the guy missing.. Discussion went on with wild imaginations.. ( Dating a Langoor.. or bear.. then .. How will he escape from the bear.. I said he will remove his cap and give a lecture in his Style of english.. So Bear will think he is its grp.. so he will get royal treatment.. ) .


Once we ran out of ideas and were seeing some brightness outside .. We decided to go to the Mellows of Kajjhir. Still the mellow is fresh in my mind.. Let me try to capture my picture in words ..

It was Cold morning and the wind blowing sweetly and all the warmth was there in the body was due to the huge number of well build dogs, which were literally on us and just waiting for chance. The due which had fallen yesterday night is fully frozen, making as if the grass were given a glass coating. and the morning warmth just making it look as if it is a polished article.

As usual what next photo session.. then ppl pumped in ( ALL YHAI trekkers ) .


Came back to camp and then had Breakfast and Lunch pack. The Camp leader was so friendly till that time, but once we started delaying the started he got tensed. And gave the same lecture of Importance of Time.. (" Time waits for none " .. bla bla blah .. stuff ). Then we started.

Way to OBUDI -->

The path was just desending.. Little more steep then both the days. It was a great experiencing. We reached the lunch point and then Food and photo session. All the lunch points were really amazing Stream running and water is great , clean and freezing. ;-) enjoyed.

TREK OVER but not Ours.. -->
We reached the Final camp by around 3.00 too early. So we found our rooms. and then we all were showing all our old snaps. Then we started to walk to CHAMPA by walk. 3 km by road. We took short cut. One thing i love about shortcuts, U happen to see lot of localites, there way of dressing and language..

TEMPLE VIEWING --> problem identifying gods..
We reached CHAMPA, first thing we saw was the south indian restaurant. well we did not discuss anything much as i was not intrsted in eating those stuff. Went to Temple 1. On way discussions were on the Oldness culture of Pagoda and the Destruction due to lot of wars in north. Temple one was cool. So travelled to next i think it was Siva/ Vishnu temple. But I could see lot of patch work in the temple and the work was not soo neat, I could find the wrongly placed chips .. ;-( such pathetic was the patch work. Met the other grp as well. Seems ppl get irritated there who are not realigious.. ;-) ..

Bought Himachal Topi .. bargained for 25 rs. This is the only luggage addition done till that day.

Others were planning CAB as the last bus is just before sunset. Myself , Siva and Guru really enjoy walking through the streets so we thought we will walk back. That was the really great experience there. Best thing is that we reached before those ppl could get the CAB and come back to CAMP.

What I could say abt it..? I was way asleep .. there .. few things kept me going.. One is shouting.. ( others said they are .. singing ), Complan , and CLAPS.. thats it. Well Camp fire went till 11.00 pm and then returned back to see ppl playing CARDS. so joined them and started playing cards. and then finally slept.


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