On Top of world

14- Aug
Its been a good time since I started from Delhi. As I landed Delhi, my GPRS stopped working. I call up 121, the fellow tells me to contact the bangalore. How am i suppose to do that :-(..

Well Once i reached Delhi, to my surprise i found my bike was in the cabin, but the coach had some issues as the Weight of the Carriage was much higher than expected. I had to wait till evening 6.00 to get my bike cleared by the officials.
15 - Aug
at the End of the day managed to reach pathankot, It was a complete rain hit ride, The rain god was chasing me from Panipat to Pathankot. :-( .. In mean time i realized my Sweetheart is drinking too much of Engine oil, I was keeping her above 100 KMPH, and non stop made her pump more oil out. :-(.. Once reached Pathankot, found the cheap place to stay. A Dharamasala for 80 Rs, Very neat. :). I always spend less in Panjab for stays..:-)..

16- Aug
Started Early, still Rain god was chasing me. When i was near Udhampur, some 45 Odd Kms, a Dog came and crashed over my bike, :-( first fall of the day. The near people somehow helped me to move bike out of me, Nothing major happened. So it was ok.. One side foot rest was damaged. so i started back. Once I was at Anantnag I met two Gujju guys Riding to Leh. So i joined them in ride. :).. Once We reached Srinagar, Dhaddamm.. another fall. :( .. This time I had parked the bike in the edge of road, the Side stand slipped and the bike entered the drain with me below. :)..
Well So had to go to the Doctor, had X-Ray done, Luckily there was no fracture. So Ligament tear, :(.. Bit swelling, :) but i decided to ride further.

Gulmarg- Dropped as i was injured, and People suggested me not to do it alone, or else take a Taxi and do it. :).. So i said ok.. Its another reason to visit Srinagar.

17- Aug
Started riding to Kargil, Amazing views in both sides.. Woow.. Sonamarg was Exiting. Crossed ZoZila pass.. and reached Kargil.. Lovely views on both sides, :)

As Stay was planned in Lamayuru, so had a very lazy ride.
In the afternoon while i parked the side stand realized it side stand was drifting. Oh god, She had a broken axil, because of the fall. It had taken her 200 Km to give up her Left foot rest and stands. So decided to ride, with one foot on the Crash guard. Slow rides. then on..
Reached Lamayuru, did some night photography. :) Some came good.

Well this Fellow does not have a machine with USB cable so would upload some time next..

19th Aug -->
Visited Alchi, and Likir monostry, and finally reached leh with One leg on the Crash guard. :)..
Finally in Leh.. took time to find place to stay.. :)

20th Aug -->
Full day went in roaming around city, getting bikes repaired. One of the rider is having fever, as days are less for me, and not to waste much time, decided to give rest to bikes and start on Car, Tomorrow moving to Pangong Tso in car. :-(.. Well have not much choice, Lets see it in car.

To be frank I am running short of days.. :-).. I have to start on Next Wednesday to be in Delhi on 30th Aug. So that I can pack and send bike on 31st Aug. :-(.. I am running short of days.. One problem with bikes all the Plans are scattered,:). Lets hope things are fine. :)

Will update once i am back from Pangong and before heading to Nubra. :)

Last ----> Finally made T-Shirt with Route map :) Wit title Its how i got Leh'ed. :))..


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