Could not resist dumping this page :)

I really did not know why i was feeling bad and creating new one, How can one just leave behind his past :-) .. To tell u i felt like i have stopped writing my daily dose once i moved from here to the dreams crazy :-).. So just decided on one thing, This is my experiences and my emotions.

Today morning while traveling from home to office, I thought let me follow the lane discipline. Well to tell u, It was very hard for me to ride my bike, Few things it stuck me, well there are lot of manholes in the middle of the road, which makes the people to take a deviation while riding or driving, secondly few have no sense of rinding or driving, they just jump lanes, Most crazy are the auto rickshaw drivers, they take sharpest turns which makes them the most dangerous person if u r stuck behind. Well my this experiment made me late for 15 mins on road. May be this rush hour time makes us crazy and deadly riders on road :)


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