World Environment day

I am amazed by the nature, ( god ). whatever you call. I believe in the powers of nature, and when ever we do a imbalance nature is going to come back and give it to us. Yesterday was watching the CNN IBN - Melting point - Believe it or not i had already thought about this and wished to create a video over this global warning issue. Well I knew all the facts which was discussed on the show, well i then i thought if i had done a video who would like to see my face over :P .. Some one with good language skills are the one who would be better doing things like tat.

So today again I am putting my wish list ;) I want to give message on Natures Disaster are man made. I want to tell that when ever we do a imbalance nature come in its own equation to balance it.

* Water - Reason for the world end :-(
Now we are fighting for the oil's. Americans need oil, all world needs oil. Where as country like India is exhausting its Water resources. I can't think of a day when there is going to be no water underneath us, Water is the elixir our life, when one day we find it not existent we would not survive. It would be end of world. In Hindu Methodology Called as Maha Pralaya. Sea shores would be only place we can see water. All existing costal regions would be under water Cities.

So Save water. Save nature.

* Disturbing the Food Chain

* Pollutions affecting the future generation.
Younger generations are not strong, thanks to the contamination we do to the world making the life miserable for our kids. :(

* Peace and deadly Deamons.
Woow what a wonderful world we r leaving for them. Full of terrors. Flu, Aids .. what not.. Is it not our social responsibility to give them back their future.


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