Tagged Memories

Wish i could attach the memory tags to my memories and experiences with Tagging feature, The human brain works in that way, once you see a thing, all realted memories run in a form of a Fast forward Video sequence, there is cache system in build in memory, it picks up the recent or past according to your likings. Amazing thing is its complex query to the Brain database and processing of information. Truly splendid creation. But only thing i felt it lags, its the option of deletion of memory, :). May be God thought like google or Java. :) weak references, he generally makes it a weak references, where if refreshed it comes back to alive or else, the memory starts fade. Woow i would love the feature of the faded memory. But there is one super processer sitting in the brain, which decided what to go to memory and what is waste, :) example we eat every day meals, we cann't remember what we ate on which day, but if it is tagged then we remember it. ex. When there was nothing in house and you cooked and ate without salt. :)
 Funny but true.


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